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dc.contributor.authorCameron, Sharon
dc.contributor.authorGlyde, Helen
dc.contributor.authorDillon, Harvey
dc.contributor.authorWhitfield, Jessica
dc.identifier.citationJournal of the American Academy of Audiologyen_US
dc.description.abstractBackground: The Dichotic Digits difference Test (DDdT) was developed in order to investigate the relationship between dichotic processing and cognitive abilities and, through the use of differential test scores, to provide professionals with a clinical tool that could aid in differentiation of clients with genuine dichotic deficits from those where cognitive disorders are impacting on test performance. The DDdT consists of four subtests: dichotic free recall (FR), dichotic directed left (DLE) and right ear (DRE), and diotic. Scores for six conditions are calculated (Free Recall LE, RE and total, as well as the DLE, DRE and diotic). Scores for four difference measures are also calculated: Dichotic advantage, Right Ear Advantage (REA) FR; REA Directed and Attention Advantage. Purpose: To investigate the role of cognitive abilities on DDdT test performance. Research Design: Correlational analysis between the various DDdT conditions and difference measures, as well as between dichotic, diotic and cognitive factors (memory, intelligence and attention).en_US
dc.subjectDichotic, diotic, free recall, directed; impulsivity; sustained attention; central auditory processing disorderen_US
dc.titleInvestigating the interaction between dichotic deficits and cognitive abilities using the Dichotic Digits difference Test (DDdT)en_US

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