Now showing items 14-33 of 118

      Auditory neuropathy spectrum disorder; children; language outcomes; psychosocial development; functional performance; hearing aids; cochlear implants; PEACH; PLS-4; PPVT; CDI; DEAP [1]
      Auditory processing disorder, sustained attention, correlation [1]
      auditory processing disorder; screening questionnaire; attention deficit; language deficit [1]
      Auditory processing disorders, Z score [1]
      Auditory processing; Cochlear synaptopathy; Cognition; Hidden hearing loss; Lifetime noise exposure; Speech in noise [1]
      Auditory training software;central auditory processing disorder, spatial processing disorder, deficit-specific remediation, plasticity [1]
      Australia [1]
      Bimodal fitting: Consonant perception [1]
      Binaural beamformers; directional hearing aids; dynamic environments [1]
      blinking [1]
      braincomputer interface (BCI) games [1]
      CAEP [1]
      Central auditory processing disorder; Spatial processing disorder: Deficit-specific auditory training [1]
      Children [2]
      Children, cochlear implants, language, reading, phonological awareness [1]
      children, cochlear implants, programming, etiology, age at implantation [1]
      children, hearing loss, hearing aids, hearing-aid prescription, audibility, outcomes [1]
      children, hearing loss, language outcomes, speech, everyday functioning, hearing aids, cochlear implants, outcomes, early intervention, PEACH, predictors of outcomes [1]
      children, hearing loss, parental involvement, intervention, family-centred practice [1]
      children, speech perception in noise, hearing aids, audibility, cochlear implants, predictors of speech perception [1]